Class: Animate

ML. Animate

new Animate(el, props [, settings] [, cb])

  • Easily animate CSS values. credit
  • The following easing options are available: linear, elastic, quad, quint, circ, back or bounce.
  • You can animate relative values by doing +25 or -25 for a value. Which will take the current property value and increase or decrease the property balue by 25 (see demo).
  • See it in action + some notes!
Name Type Argument Description
el HTMLElement

Element to animate.

props Object

CSS properties to animate.

settings Object <optional>

Configuration settings.

Name Type Argument Default Description
duration Number <optional>

The duration of the animation, defaults to 400ms.

delay Number <optional>

The delay of the animation, defaults to 13.

relative Boolean <optional>

Ability to override animating relative values.

easing String <optional>

Type of animation (bounce, elastic, etc..), defaults to linear

cb function <optional>

Callback function.

var props = {width: 100, height: 100};
var settings = {delay: 15, duration: 500, easing: 'bounce'};

new ML.Animate(ML.$('el'), props, settings, function() {
  alert('animation is complete');